Storage Calculator

Don’t wait until the last minute to figure out what size self storage unit will be best for your belongings! The process is simple, especially with this online calculator. After just a few clicks you’ll be able to get back to packing and preparing for the move.
Using the dropdown menus, choose what items you plan to store. Each color-coded item will appear in the virtual unit and the space will adjust to fit, providing you with quick feedback and a suggestion of how best to organize your unit. 
Bed, King Size
approximately 70 cubic feet
Bed, Double Size
approximately 55 cubic feet
Bed, Single
approximately 40 cubic feet
Bed, Bunk (set of 2)
approximately 70 cubic feet
Dresser, Chest of Drawers
approximately 30 cubic feet
Cedar Chest
approximately 15 cubic feet
Ironing Board
approximately 10 cubic feet
Side Tables
approximately 10 cubic feet
Wardrobe Boxes (30 hangers)
approximately 10 cubic feet
approximately 10 cubic feet

Size Suggestion

To receive a size suggestion, select the items you wish to store.
